Patient Handbook

Patient Handbook

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A Message From our CEO, Scott Alwin

Welcome to Hot Springs Health!

At Hot Springs Health, our goal is to always provide our patients with nothing but the best in quality care and patient experience. I am confident that by choosing us as your health care provider, you will see our commitment to being the healthcare provider and employer of choice in our region. Hot Springs Health is also proud to be the only teaching hospital in Wyoming, offering med-students the opportunity to learn from our highly qualified providers.

The future for Hot Springs health is bright. We are excited to continue partnering with local and regional individuals and entities that allow us to offer expertise, resources, and specialty care right here close to home.

It is our expectation that each and every healthcare employee at Hot Springs Health will play their part in creating an exceptional experience for you.

Thank you for trusting Hot Springs Health with all your healthcare needs.

With Warm Regards,

Scott Alwin, PT, MHA, ACHE, CPXP

Chief Executive Officer

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As a patient at Hot Springs Health (HSH), you are surrounded by people whose primary concern is to keep you safe and help you achieve your goals during your hospital stay. In addition to providing medical excellence, your HSH team will do everything possible to make sure you receive compassionate and safe care in a comfortable environment. When planning your care, we will take into account your emotional, spiritual, and mental well-being in addition to your physical well-being.

Talk to us - Ask questions - We have the time

Your participation in the caring and healing process will help shape your HSH experience and success in achieving your goals. When patients and healthcare providers work together as partners, health outcomes are likely to be better. As partners, you and your HSH team will work together to set daily goals, make decisions about treatment, keep one another informed, and ensure safe care.

Your family matters too

We understand that your family and friends may want to be part of your healing, and we encourage them to participate in your care. We also invite them to be with you when talking to nurses and physicians to better help us understand your needs and to assist in your care after you leave the hospital.

Please provide us with an emergency contact that we can keep updated with respect to your progress and condition.

Be your own advocate

You can help us give you better care by:

* Providing a complete and accurate health history, list of medications you take, and physicians you’re seeing.

* Following all of the patient safety tips contained in this guide.

* Telling us your needs and speaking up if you think we’re not meeting them.

* Asking questions about all aspects of your care.

* Telling your nurse or doctor if there’s something you don’t understand or something that concerns you.

* Using pages 19-20 to write down your questions if somebody isn’t readily available.

Speak Up!

Speak Up is a collaborative effort at HSH to help us prevent medical errors in the delivery of your care.

S - Speak up if you have any questions or concerns. If you still don't understand, ask again. It's your body, and you have the right to know

P - Pay attention to the care you are receiving. Always make sure you're getting the right treatments and medicines by the right healthcare professionals. Don't assume anything.

E - Educate yourself about your illness. Learn about the medical tests you get and your treatment plan.

A - Ask a trusted family member or friend to be your advocate, advisor, or supporter.

K - Know what medications you take and why you take them. Medication errors are the most common healthcare mistakes.

U - Use an accredited healthcare facility, like Hot Springs Health, which has completed a state survey to assure safety and quality.

P - Participate in all decisions about your treatment plan. You are the center of the healthcare team.

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1. The right to be treated with respect, consideration, dignity, and full recognition of individuality and right to privacy.

2. The right to receive care and services which are adequate, appropriate, and in compliance with relevant Federal and State laws, rules, and regulations.

3. Appropriate assessment and management of pain and to be free of pain to the extent that is medically possible.

4. The right to be free of mental and physical abuse, neglect, and exploitation.

5. Except in emergencies, the right to be free from chemical and physical restraint unless authorized for a specified period of time by a provider according to clear and indicated medical need.

6. As a patient, you have certain rights to keep your medical information safe. We will only disclose medical information about you for purposes of treatment, payment, or healthcare operations.

7. The right to receive a reasonable response to your requests from the facility administrator and staff.

8. The right to receive visitors. Visitors shall not be limited, restricted, or denied visitation privileges on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability.

9. The right to receive care without discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability.

10. The right to have access at any reasonable hour to a telephone where you may speak privately.

11. Understandable information concerning diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis from providers and other direct caregivers and to know the identities of those providing care.

12. The right to know the financial implications of treatment, insofar as they know, and to an explanation of charges and bills.

13. The right to receive, upon admission to the facility, a copy of these rights.

14. The right to refuse nursing care, medical treatment, and to participate in any experimental research.

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HSH believes that family and friends have an important role in the patient’s care. We also believe that the patient has the right to identify their support person(s), including family members or friends. Our visiting guidelines are designed to promote safety and security among patient, family, and staff while providing high quality patient-centered care. Whenever possible, we support open visitation on the units based on the clinical condition of the patient and the physical environment. A detailed copy of our Visitation Policy is available in Admissions or the Nurse’s Station.

For the comfort of all patients, we ask that you limit your visitors (2 per patient in semi-private rooms; up to 4 in private rooms). Each unit reserves the right to further limit the number of visitors based on the needs of their patients. Please have your younger children accompanied by an adult.

Our front doors are locked from 9:00pm - 6:00am. Please use the intercom in the front entrance foyer which will alert a staff member to let you into the hospital.

It is expected that visitors will:

  • Not visit if they are sick.
  • Clean hands before and after visiting.
  • Comply with any infection control practices that may be important to the patient’s condition (e.g. masks).
  • Comply with safety and security procedures.
  • Act in a respectful manner.
  • Observe the tobacco free campus designation; this includes vaping.
  • Not take photographs or video without prior patient and hospital authorization.

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We support each patient’s right to voice grievances and ensure that after a grievance has been received, the facility will actively resolve the issue and communicate the resolution’s progress to the patient and/or patient’s family in a timely manner.

  1. Grievances and complaints may be submitted verbally or in writing.
  2. The patient or patient representative will be informed of the findings of the investigation and the actions that will be taken to correct any identified problems.
  3. If the patient is not satisfied with the resolution or the recommended actions, the patient may contact the following numbers:


Regional Ombudsman

106 West Adams Avenue

P.O. Box BD

Riverton, WY 82501

(P) (307) 856-6880

(P) (800) 856-4398


Beneficiary and Family Center Care Quality Improvement Organization (BFCCQIO)


5700 Lombardo Center Dr., Suite 100

Seven Hills, OH 44131

(P) (216) 447-9604

(P) (844) 430-9504

For more information, call: 1-800-MEDICARE (1-800-633-4227), or TTY: 1-877-486-2048


The Wyoming Department of Health - call: 1-307-777-7656

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Provide complete and accurate information, including your full name, address, home telephone number, date of birth, Social Security number, insurance carrier, and employer when it is required.

Provide the hospital or your provider with a copy of your advance directive and/or POLST (Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment) if you have one.

Provide complete and accurate information about your health and medical history, including present condition, past illnesses, hospital stays, medicines, vitamins, herbal products, and any other matters that pertain to your health, including perceived safety risks.

Ask questions when you do not understand information or instructions. Our providers and staff want to provide you with excellent care during your stay.

Actively participate in your pain management plan, and keep your providers and nurses informed of the effectiveness of your treatment.

Please leave valuables at home and bring only necessary items for your hospital stay. Hot Springs Health is a weapons free zone; please leave weapons at home or secured in your vehicle.

Treat all hospital staff, other patients, and visitors with courtesy and respect. Abide by all hospital rules and safety regulations, and be mindful of noise levels, privacy, and number of visitors.

Provide complete and accurate information about your health insurance coverage, and pay your bills in a timely manner.

Keep appointments, be on time, and call your health care provider if you cannot keep your appointments.


An advanced directive is a general term that refers to your verbal and written instruction about your future medical care in the event that you are unable to speak for yourself. Provide the hospital or your doctor with a copy of your advance directive or Provider Orders for Life Sustaining Treatment (POLST) form if you have one.

We provide information about three different advance directives in our booklet, Advanced Directives, Advance Planning Guide for Helath Care and End-of-Life Decisions: 1) Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care, 2) Living Will, 3) POLST (Providers Orders for Life Sustaining Treatment).

You can ask for a copy of this booklet from anyone involved with your care.

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Our Partnership Pledge

At HSH, we take a team approach to your safety. We invite you and your family to join us as active members of your care team.

We Pledge to:

  • Coordinate your care
  • Explain your care and treatment
  • Listen to your questions or concerns
  • Ask if you have safety concerns and take steps to address them
  • Ask about your pain often and keep you as comfortable as possible
  • Check your identification before any medication, treatment, or procedure
  • Label all lab samples in your presence
  • Clean our hands often

We ask you or a loved one to:

  • Ask questions
  • Speak up if you are concerned about a test, procedure, or medicine
  • Check the information on your ID bracelet for accuracy
  • Be clear and complete about your medical history, including current medications
  • Please wear your safety ID bracelet throughout your stay
  • Clean your hands often and remind visitors to do the same
  • Remind us if we do not carry out our pledge to you


  • The Attending Physician, Hospitalist, or Physician of Record - doctor that supervises your treatment.
  • CNAs (Certified Nurse Assistant)/ER Techs - Will assist you with your daily care and communicate with the nurses regarding your needs.
  • Nurse Practitioners/Physician Assistants - Licensed professionals who work closely with the attending physician in planning your care.
  • Registered Nurses (RN)/Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) - Nurses will plan and evaluate your daily care, administer medications and treatments, and provide education for discharge.
  • Pharmacists - A pharmacist will review your medication orders and work with your provider and nurse to ensure safe and accurate medication therapy.
  • Residents and Medical Students - We are pleased to be chosen to partner with the University of Wyoming and the Casper Family Practice Residency Program to educate and train Wyoming’s future physicians. Residents are licensed physicians. Medical students are in training to become physicians. They will be supervised by one of our physicians while caring for you.
  • Registered Dietitian - Reviews your medical plan and works with clinicians to provide nutrition, intervention, and education to help improve health and fight disease.

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Others who may be involved in your care:

  • Financial Counselor
  • Case Managers
  • PT/OT/Speech Therapy
  • Laboratory
  • Radiology
  • Cardio-Pulmonary
  • Social Worker
  • CRNA / Nursing Students

Preventing Falls

In the hospital, people can be at a higher risk for falls. Illness, surgery, and medicines can weaken or affect your balance and judgment. Also, medical equipment and the unfamiliar environment can make movement more difficult. We are committed to keeping you safe from injury during your stay.

During your stay we will:

  • Assess your risk of falling upon admission and as your  condition changes.
  • Determine what preventive measures should be taken to try to prevent a fall while you are in the hospital and share this information with other staff involved in your care.
  • Show you how to use your call light and remind you when to call for  help.
  • Respond to your calls for assistance in a timely manner.
  • Assist you with getting in and out of bed and using the restroom as  needed.
  • Provide you with safe footwear and any recommended equipment  (such as a walker or bedside commode) that will make it safer for you to move about.
  • Make sure the call light and other needed items are within reach  before staff leave your room.

We ask you or a loved one to:

  • Tell your nurse if you have a history of falls.
  • Ask your nurse about your assessed risk for falling and what  prevention measures are being taken to reduce that risk.
  • Use the call light before attempting to get out of bed and wait for staff to come help you.
  • Wear non-skid footwear and use equipment that has been provided for your safety.
  • Make sure the call light and other needed items are within reach  before family or staff leave your room.
  • Notify a member of the healthcare team if your safety ID band comes off for any reason.

if you smoke or vape

Smoking or vaping is not allowed anywhere on hospital property. We request you honor this by not smoking. There is an important reason for this: Smoking cigarettes is a major risk factor for many serious diseases. In fact, smoking cigarettes is a major risk factor of heart and blood vessel disease, the number one cause of death (AHA).

Your physician can assist with your tobacco cessation during your stay by ordering nicotine replacement products.

Another important fact to consider is that smoking also can harm countless nonsmokers, including spouses, partners, and children. The danger of smoking is stated on every pack of cigarettes: SURGEON GENERAL’S WARNING: Smoking causes lung cancer, heart disease, emphysema, and may complicate pregnancy.

Did you know that you can drop your risk of heart disease, stroke, and other serious disorders when you quit smoking - no matter how much or how long you’ve smoked?

Talk to your doctor, nurse, or other caregivers if you have questions or concerns. Or, for more information call the American Heart Association at (1-800-AHA-USA1) or visit

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Preventing infections is a top priority at HSH. All medical procedures and operations can potentially increase the opportunities for germs to enter the body. Our staff is well-educated in the techniques to prevent infection, and there are many hospital policies and procedures that guide staff members in preventing infections.

What you should know:

Healthcare providers often come into contact with bacteria and viruses. You are part of the healthcare team, so do not be afraid to remind everyone to clean their hands before coming into your room or touching you.

Environmental Services will be in your room daily to ensure it is ALWAYS CLEAN.

Sometimes special precautions such as the use of masks, gowns, and gloves are required for germs that could be spread to other patients.

Simple things you can do to fight the spread of infections:

  • Wash your hands and ask visitors to do the same.
  • Cover your mouth and nose in your arm when sneezing or coughing.
  • Ask your doctor if you need to be vaccinated against diseases that cause respiratory infections, including influenza, COVID, and pneumonia.

During the flu season or when other easily spread infections are present, the hospital may restrict visitors in some departments, and children will not be permitted to visit unless it is part of the patient’s plan of care.


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Interpreter Service

 If you require language assistance, please notify our staff. Telephone interpreter and signing services are available.


Do not be alarmed by fire or disaster drills. Our nursing staff will keep you informed of drills. In the event of a real emergency, your safety is a priority, and hospital staff are trained to respond in the most appropriate manner.

Cell Phones

The use of cell phones is allowed in the hospital. If you must use your cell phone, please speak in a low voice so as not to disturb the privacy and comfort of other patients and visitors.

Flowers and Balloons

Flowers and mylar balloons are welcome for patients, unless contraindicated. Latex balloons, which can cause allergic reactions, are not permitted anywhere in the hospital.

notary Services

The hospital has notaries available upon request.


Wifi access is available at HSH. For password information, please ask your nurse.

Obtaining your medical records

You have the right to obtain a copy of your medical record and to request that your records be provided to someone else (subject to certain limitations). In order to protect your privacy, we must have your written permission before releasing records. This release must be completed in its entirety, or it will be returned to you and can delay processing of your request. If you are a healthcare agent, court appointed guardian, holder of a medical power of attorney, or similar legally appointed representative please attach proof of your authority to act on behalf of the patient. A copy of the Authorization for Release of Information form is available on our website:, or you can request a copy from anyone involved in your care. Please return this form with any applicable attachments via fax, in person, or by mail at the address below and allow up to 10 business days for processing.


Attn: Health Information Management

150 East Arapahoe Street

Thermopolis, WY 82443

There may be a fee for copying medical records. Any fee will be in compliance with applicable state and federal guidelines. There is no charge for records sent directly to a physician or healthcare facility for continuity of care.


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Dining in thermopolis

Audra’s Copper Coo 225 Clark 904-874-2560
Bangkok Thai 812 Broadway St. 864-3565
Gottsche 148 Bistro 148 E. Arapahoe 864-2146
Black Bear Cafe 111 N. 5th St. 864-3221
Champs Chicken 167 S. US Hwy 20 864-3108
(at Exxon Station)
Dairyland 510 Park 921-9416
Los Cabos 942 Shoshoni 864-3202
McDonald’s 611 Shoshoni 864-2323
One Eyed Buffalo 535 Broadway 864-3555
P6 Station 544 Park 864-3666
Pizza Hut 545 Shoshoni 864-2345
Safari Club Hot Springs State Park 864-3131
Shorty’s Saloon 103 E. Broadway 864-3641
Storyteller 528 Broadway 864-3272
Taco John’s 407 Park St. 864-2262
The Crow Bar 530 Broadway 864-3218
7 Lazy S 109 S. 6th St. 864-2500

staying in thermopolis

Best Western 116 E. Park St. 864-2939
Coachman Inn 112 Hwy 20 S. 864-3141
Days Inn Hot Springs State Park 864-3131
Eagle RV Park 204 Hwy 20 864-5262
El Rancho 924 Shoshoni 864-2341
Elk Antler Inn 501 S. 6th St. 864-2325
Fountain Of Youth Park 250 Hwy 20 N. 864-3265
Hot Springs Inn 600 Broadway 864-2321
Paintbrush Inn 605 S. 6th St. 864-3155
Rainbow Motel 408 Park St. 864-2129
Roundtop Motel 412 N. 6th St. 864-3126
Two Rivers Inn 401 Park St. 864-3499
Quality Inn Lane 5, Hwy 20 S. 864-5515


Nutrition and Room Service is the team who will provide your meal services.
Nutritional health is essential to all ages and future generations. Our Registered Dietitian will lead your nutrition intervention plan, and can meet with you to discuss your nutrition goals.

At Hot Springs Health, we are passionate about finding solutions to help people of all ages feel healthy. As your nutrition experts, we are committed to providing you the most proactive nutrition solutions. We offer fresh produce full of antioxidants to speed your recovery: blueberries, apples, oranges, and cantaloupe. We cook with pasteurized, cage-free eggs, olive oil, and butter.

Patient Care
Our vision is to provide the best room service and nutrition care in Hot Springs County. We will do this by making our customers feel like they are in an oasis of appreciation, kindness, and service.

Our Room Service is open from 6:30am - 6:30pm and offers you:

  • Selective menus
  • Bedside visits
  • Warm, scented washcloths
  • Newspapers
  • Beverage carts of fresh orange juice, hot
  • chocolate, and hot tea with cookies
  • Call-in order service x5026
  • “My time” meals are offered when you would like them
  • Obstetric patients are offered a special meal cart in their room for themselves and a guest.
  • The cart will include a special gift for the family from HSH to share in their new baby celebration.

Licensed registered dietitians are available to assist with hospital patients’ needs, including understanding special diets and the new Healthful Nutrition Diet for Americans.

We follow the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Nutrition Care Manual (NCM®) for all diets, therapeutic care planning, and client education material.

Oasis Café
Our new cafe is open to visitors and the public. We offer cold and hot “grab and go” selections. Coffees available include: latte, cappuccino, and espresso.

We support our local businesses by offering freshly roasted coffees to warm your stay.

Contact Information
Nutrition and Room Service
Hot Springs Health
150 East Thermopolis, WY 82443
Kitchen: (307) 864-5026
Dietitian Office: (307) 864-5084

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Our Obstetrics (OB) department offers updated rooms and equipment where you and your family can depend on quality care provided by our friendly OB staff nurses and physicians. We will respect your wishes to the best of our ability when it comes to labor and delivery. We offer a variety of pain management options before and after delivery.

Your newborn is kept with you in your room for the majority of your visit, and you will have the opportunity to be with your baby at all times. We will support your feeding choice. We have access to a lactation consultant to assist with breastfeeding and formula available if you choose to bottle-feed.

Please enjoy a special dinner and gifts provided during your stay, including a complimentary birth certificate and items from our auxiliary.

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Understanding Your Insurance

The necessary paperwork will begin as soon as we are informed of your scheduled visit or admission. You should contact your insurance company before your visit to find out what services are (or are not) covered under your plan. Your insurance company’s member service office is a good source of this information. Your member card should have the contact telephone number.

Please be sure that your Primary Care Provider (PCP) knows about your impending visit. Your insurance company may require your PCP to submit a referral to us as part of the authorization process.

A Registration Specialist may call you in advance of your visit to verify basic information. On the day of your arrival, you will be required to pay for your non-emergent/planned hospital and physician services that are not covered by your insurance. These payments may include a co-payment, deductible, or co-insurance amount.


Our billing offices will file your claims directly with your primary insurance and, when appropriate, your secondary insurance payer. You will be billed for any co-payments and/or outstanding balances not paid by your insurance payer.

Billing Rights and Obligations

Not all medical costs are covered by insurance. The hospital makes every effort to see that you are billed correctly. It is up to you to provide complete and accurate information about your health insurance coverage when you visit the hospital or an outpatient clinic. This will help make sure that your insurance company is billed on time. Some insurance companies require that bills be sent in soon after you receive treatment, or they may not pay the bill. Your final bill will reflect the actual cost of care minus any insurance payment received and/or payment made at the time of your visit. Once your insurance has paid and the balance becomes patient responsibility, an itemized statement will be sent to you by HSH. The account is then sent to our billing partner, Revenue Enterprises, for billing self-pay balances. All charges not covered by your insurance are your responsibility.

Cost Estimates

If you need an estimate of charges for scheduled or preplanned services, please contact the Registration Office prior to your arrival at 307-864-3121. During your visit, you can speak with a registrar or our financial counselor at admissions services.


You are responsible for payment of your hospital accounts. Financial arrangements can be discussed with the financial counselor.

For your convenience, HSH accepts cash, cashier’s checks, bank debit cards, Discover, Mastercard, Visa, and American Express.


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Financial Counseling

HSH is committed to caring for patients regardless of race, color, religion (creed), gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, sexual orientation, military status, or their ability to pay. We understand how confusing medical bills can be and have a trained financial counselor who can help you understand your financial responsibility and your payment options.

Patients are responsible for paying their hospital bills even if they do not have insurance or have inadequate medical coverage. The financial counselor can assist eligible patients with enrollment in Medicaid or other government assistance programs. Monthly payment plan options are available to patients who have insurance but may have excessive out-of-pocket expenses or deductibles.

Applying for Charity Care Financial Assistance is available to patients that cannot afford to pay. The financial counselor can review a patient’s income, assets, and resources to determine if he or she is eligible for full or partial financial assistance. Please contact the financial counselor for further information.

As part of the written application process for charity care, a patient will be directed to apply for Medicaid. Refusal to apply for Medicaid, or supply the hospital with the required financial information needed to determine eligibility for financial assistance, will result in an automatic denial. Charity Care is based on gross family income and family size (as determined each year using the U.S. Federal Poverty Guidelines), patient assets, resources, and medical debt.

HSH’s financial counselor is just a phone call away at 307-864-5095. All contacts made to a financial counselor are strictly confidential.

Information About Your Hospital Bill

As a not-for-profit institution, we depend entirely upon income from patient services to maintain our financial stability. Our financial counselor will help you to make payment arrangements, explain hospital billing policies, and answer your questions regarding your insurance coverage. Please make sure all arrangements for payment of your hospital bill are made upon receiving a statement.

As a patient of HSH, you are responsible for all charges incurred during your hospitalization. As a courtesy to you, HSH will submit your bill to your insurance company whether we participate with the insurance carrier or not. Your itemized bill will reflect the hospital charges and the portion due from the patient. The patient portion due to the hospital reflects out-of-pocket expenses such as deductibles, copays, co-insurance, and non-covered services. Your bill may also reflect: insurance payments, contractual adjustments, and patient payments.

Please do not hesitate to contact a patient account representative at 307-864-3121 to answer your questions about your bill (Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.)

Health Insurance Plans

Our hospital has contracts with numerous insurance companies and managed care companies. These contracts usually require pre-authorization and pre-certification and give the insurance company the right to determine what is medically necessary for payment purposes.

It is the insurance company’s responsibility to inform its insured members of any special terms under its health insurance policy. We do our best to alert our patients of any circumstances that could affect their health benefits, but we cannot assume responsibility. It is possible that you, the patient, may be responsible for a portion of your hospital bill simply because the requirements of your insurance policy are not met. Please contact your insurance company if you have any questions with this matter or contact one of our patient account representatives at 307-864-3121.

Once you no longer need acute hospital care, your health insurance may limit what it will pay. Some insurance carriers will not cover your entire hospitalization, even if you are not fully recovered. In that case, you will be responsible for payment of continued hospitalization and/or nursing home placement.

What If I Feel I Was Billed Incorrectly Or Have Questions?

If you believe that your hospital bill is incorrect, please contact the hospital’s Business Office immediately at 307-864-3121. A patient account representative will attempt to answer any questions and/or resolve billing problems. We make every attempt to ensure each bill is correct.

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Hot Springs Health offers a variety of specialty clinics that offer our communities access to specialists without having to travel far for specialty care.

Out Reach Clinics:

Ophthalmology - Surgery Only

Otorhinolaryngology (Ear, Nose, Throat)



Oncology and Hematology

Neck and Spine



Pain Management

For more information about our specialty clinics or to schedule an appointment, please contact our Specialty Clinic Coordinator at: 307-864-5061.

Out-Patient and In-Patient Surgeries Performed at HSH

General Orthopedic, Outpatient and Inpatient Surgeries:

  • Tonsil Surgery
  • General Orthopedic
  • Cataract Surgery
  • Dental Surgery
  • General Surgery
  • Appendectomy

General Orthopedic, Outpatient and Inpatient Surgeries Continued:

  • Colon Surgery
  • Hernia Repair
  • Gallbladder Removal
  • Breast Biopsy
  • Mastectomy
  • Hip, Knee, Shoulder Replacement
  • Colonoscopy
  • Upper Endoscopy
  • Arthroscopy Surgery
  • Carpal Tunnel Surgery
  • C-Section
  • Tubal Ligation

Other Services:

  • Pain Injections
  • IV Infusion Therapy (includes antibiotic, hydration, injections for osteoporosis, and others)
  • Wound Care
  • Cardiac Rehab
  • Blood and Blood Product Transfusions
  • OB
  • Chemotherapy/Biotherapy
  • Cardiopulmonary Services
  • Labwell self directed blood draws
  • (Tuesday-Thursday, 7:00-9:00 a.m.)
  • Swingbed
  • Nutrition Clinic
  • Diabetic Education


  • 64 Slice CT
  • 1.5 Tesla In-House MRI
  • 3D Ultrasound, Echocardiogram
  • 3D Digital Mammography
  • Nuclear Medicine
  • Digital X-Ray, C-Arm Fluoroscopy