Providing quality healthcare
in the Big Horn Basin

Partnering with our community for quality health and healing.

Hot Springs Health Clinics

HSH provides healthcare at several clinics in neighboring communities.


HSH Thermopolis clinic has six physicians and three advanced practitioners trained in family medicine.


HSH Riverton clinic has four physicians and two advanced practitioners trained in family medicine.


HSH Worland clinic has four physicians and two advanced practitioners trained in family medicine.

Hot Springs Health Philosophy


Partnering with our community for quality health and healing.


To be the provider and employer of choice in our region, providing the highest quality care and excelling as a teaching hospital in Wyoming.

Core Values

Five core values form the foundation for our culture at Hot Springs Health: Ownership, Always better than yesterday, Service first, Integrity, and Stewardship of resources. OASIS! Our behavior creates our OASIS - a place where we can find safety, sustenance, and a pleasant change from the usual.

  • Call +307-864-3121
  • Fax 307-864-5050
  • 150 East Arapahoe St
    Thermopolis, Wyoming 82443
Important Link

This institution is an equal opportunity provider.

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